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Álvarez C, Jerez-Cepa I, Cárcamo C, Toledo T, Flores H, Brokordt K*. 2020. Growth performance, physiological responses to hypoxia and flesh quality of Chilean croaker (Cilus gilberti) stocked at different densities. Aquaculture 525: 735316.

Guzmán F, Gauna A, Luna O, Román T, Álvarez C, AlbericioF, Cárdenas C. 2020. The tea‑bag protocol for comparison of Fmoc removal reagents in solid‑phase peptide synthesis. Amino Acids (2020)

Luna N, Varela A, Luna-Jorquera G, Brokordt K. 2020. Effect of predation risk and ectoparasitic louse flies on physiological stress condition of the red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda) from Rapa Nui and Salas & Gómez islands. PeerJ accepted

Manríquez P, Jara ME, González CP, Díaz MI, Brokordt K, Lattuca ME, Peck MA, Alter K, Marras S, Domenici P. 2020. Combined effect of pCO2 and temperature levels on the thermal niche in the early benthic ontogeny of a keystone species. Science of the Total Environment 719: 137239.

Manríquez P, González C, Brokordt K, et al. 2019. Ocean warming and acidification pose synergistic limits to the thermal niche of an economically important echinoderm. Science of the Total Environment 693: 133469.

González R, Brokordt K, Rojas R, Schmitt P. 2020. Molecular characterization and expression patterns of two LPS binding/bactericidal permeability-increasing proteins (LBP/BPIs) from the scallop Argopecten purpuratus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 97: 12-17.

Muñoz K, Flores-Herrera P, Gonçalves AT, Rojas C, Yañez C, Brokordt K, Schmitt P. 2019. The immune response of the scallop Argopecten purpuratus is associated with changes in the host microbiota structure and diversity. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 91: 241-250.

Gallardo MA, Rojas I, Brokordt K, Lovrich G, Nuñez V, Paschke K, Thiel M, Yannicelli B. 2019. Life on the edge - incubation behaviour and physiological performance of squat lobsters in oxygen-minimum conditions. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 623:51-70.

Flores-Herrera P, Farlora R, González R, Brokordt K, Schmitt P. 2019. De novo assembly, characterization of tissue-specific transcriptomes and identification of immune related genes from the scallop Argopecten purpuratus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 89: 505-515.

Brokordt K*, Defranchi Y, Espósito I, Cárcamo C, Schmitt P, Mercado L, de la Fuente-Ortega E, Rivera-Ingraham G. 2019. Reproduction immunity trade-off in a mollusk: hemocyte energy metebolism underlies cellular and molecular immune responses. Frontiers in Physiology 10:77.

Espinoza V, Brokordt K, Romero A, Farías A, Uriarte I. 2019. Evaluation of physiological stress and nutritional deficiency related to cannibalism in early paralarvae of Patagonian red octopus Enteroctopus megalocyathus. Aquaculture 503: 583-588.

Defranchi Y, Winkler F, Farías W, Herbinger C, Brokordt K*. 2019. First insight into the heritable variation and potential response to selection of phototaxis and locomotion behavior associated to the light/dark stimuli in the abalone Haliotis discus hannai. Aquaculture 500: 645-650

Pérez H, Parra A, Brokordt K. 2019. Impact of high feeding on the locomotive capacity of the juvenile peruvian scallop Argopecten purpuratus after exposure to hypoxia. J Shellfish Res. 38(2): 253-258

Guzmán F, Wong G, Román T, Cárdenas C, Alvárez C, Schmitt P, Albericio F, Rojas V. 2019. Identification of Antimicrobial Peptides from the Microalgae Tetraselmis suecica (Kylin) Butcher and Bactericidal Activity Improvement. Mar. Drugs, 17, 453

Intiquilla A, Jiménez-Aliaga k, Guzmán F, Alvárez C, Zavaleta A, Izaguirrea V, Hernández-Ledesma B. 2019. Novel antioxidant peptides obtained by alcalase hydrolysis of Erythrina edulis (pajuro) protein. J Sci Food Agric 99: 2420–2427

Brokordt K, Farias W, Winkler F, Castaño F, Fullsack P, Herbinger, C. 2018. Heritability of energy intake and allocation and their correlated responses to selection on growth traits in cultured juvenile and adult red abalone Haliotis rufescens. Aquaculture 491: 232-238.

Coba de la Peña T, Cárcamo C, Diaz M, Winkler F, Morales B, Mercado L, Brokordt K. 2018. Cloning and molecular characterization of two ferritins from red abalone Haliotis rufescens and their expressions in response to bacterial challenge at juvenile and adult life stages. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 65: 279-285.

Luna N, Varela A, Brokordt K, Luna-Jorquera G. 2018. Assessing Potential Predation Risk by Introduced Predators on Unattended Eggs in the Red-Tailed Tropicbird, Phaethon rubricauda, on Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Tropical Conservation Science 11: 1-8.  

Cruz J, Rondón-villarreal P, Torres R, Urquiza M, Gúzman F, Álvarez C, Abengózar M, Sierra D, Rivas L, Fernández-Lafuente R, Ortíz C. 2018. Design of Bactericidal Peptides Against Escherichia coli O157:H7, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Medicinal Chemistry 14:1-12.

Carvajal‑Rondanelli P, Aróstica M,  Álvarez C, Ojeda C, Albericio F, Aguilar L, Marshall S, Guzmán F. 2018. Understanding the antimicrobial properties/activity of an 11‑residue Lys homopeptide by alanine and proline scanAmino Acids 50: 557-568.

Santana P, Salinas N, Álvarez C, Mercado L, Guzmán F. 2018. Alpha-helical domain from IL-8 of salmonids: Mechanism of action and identification of a novel antimicrobial functionBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 498: 803-809.

Álvarez C, Barriga A, Albericio F, Romero M, Guzmán F. 2018. Identification of Peptides in Flowers of Sambucus nigra with Antimicrobial Activity against Aquaculture Pathogens. Molecules 23, 1033.

Álvarez C, Santana P, Luna O, Cárdenas C, Albericio F, Romero M, Guzmán F. 2018. Chemical Synthesis and Functional Analysis of VarvA Cyclotide. Molecules 23,952.

Barros J, Winkler F, Velasco L. 2018. Heritability, genetic correlations and genotype-environment interactions for growth and survival of larvae and post-larvae of the Caribbean scallop, Argopecten nucleus (Mollusca: Bivalvia).  Aquaculture 495: 948-954

Barros J, Velasco L, Winkler, F2018. Heritability, genetic correlations and genotype by environment interactions in productive traits of the Caribbean scallop, Argopecten nucleus (Mollusca:Bivalvia)  Aquaculture 488: 39-48

Gonzalez R, Brokordt K, Cárcamo C, Coba de la Peña T, Oyanedel D, Mercado L, Schmitt P. 2017. Molecular characterization and protein localization of the antimicrobial peptide big defensin from the scallop Argopecten purpuratus after Vibrio splendidus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 68: 173 - 179.

CEAZA (Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas) / Consorcio UCN ULS INIA /

Universidad Católica del Norte / Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo, Chile/ Teléfono 205973

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